Self-Transcendence 12 /24 hour race Belgrade, Serbia

September 29/30 2007

The 11th Belgrade Ultramarathon (24- and 12-Hour Self-Transcendence Race) takes place on 29/30 September 2007.
24-Hour Race starts on Saturday 29 September at noon, 12-Hour Race starts the same day at midnight.
Both races finish simultaneously at noon of the following day.

Like every year, Race takes place at Usce, by the Recna Mornarica. International field of runners is expected, consisting of those from Bulgaria, Hungary, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro.

Flat, 2 km long Race course follows the walking and bicycle track in Park of International Friendship.
Organizer provides dormitories, toilets, 24-hour food and counting station, as well as the medical personnel.

Awards ceremony takes place one hour after the Race ends, near to the start area.
All participants who finish the Race get the certificate and the medal. The winners get nice trophies.

Entry costs: 12-Hour Race 10 EUR, 24-Hour Race 15 EUR.

Registration: by e-mail, phone or directly at start (latest half an hour before the start of the Race).

Information and registration:
Phone: +381 64 376 29 45
E-mail: [email protected] The home of multiday running news and events.

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