Pueblo-Bayo Canyon Run – 2009

Pueblo-Bayo Canyons
May 23, 2009.
Los Alamos, NM.

Rolling trails and old jeep roads at 6,800′-7,300′.

28 miles:

1. David Dixson, 47, NM 4:32:30 (CR)
2. Mark Dorion, 50, TX 5:21:57
** Andrea Feucht, 35, NM 4:11:10? *(ran shorter route)

16.5 mi.:

–David Coblentz, 46, NM
–Tom Stockton, 49, NM
–Frozen Ed Furtaw, 61, CO


In unseasonably cool and wet weather, runners passed under towering 400′ cliffs of Bandalier tuff, in some of which are cave rooms of old Pueblo Indians who farmed the canyons. Also along the trail are old cabin and sewage plant ruins, as well as tepee-shaped tent rocks with their distinctive “caps” of darker, more resistant rock.

The tall ponderosa pines were welcome shelter from the rains that fell throughout the day. After the steep, 400′ final mile climb back up to the parking lot finish, runners were joined by legendary Hardrock runner/ race director Charlie Thorn and friends for birthday cake (Mark had just turned 50) and resfreshments shortly before a true deluge hit.

Best wishes to all trail runners,

Mark Dorion
El Paso, TX

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