Peanut Island 24-Hour Races 2012

Posted on the ultralist:
peanut island 24 hour race

Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2012 22:36:35 -0500
From: Mike Melton
Subject: Peanut Island 24-Hour Races

Hello Listers –

In about an hour and 25 minutes, (at 10 AM Eastern Daylight Time) the Peanut Island races will begin. There are five different events – a 24-hour race, two 12-hour races (one from noon until midnight and the second from 10 PM tonight until 10 AM tomorrow morning) and two 6-hour races (the first from 10 AM until 4 PM today and the second from 6 PM until midnight tonight). It looks as if about 70 runners will compete – most in the 24-hour event.

The race is located on historic Peanut Island in the Intracoastal Waterway within sight of the Port of Palm Beach in West Palm Beach, Florida. The island is historic because it houses the nuclear bunker shelter that President John F. Kennedy would have used if he had been at the Kennedy Compound in Palm Beach when a nuclear attack occurred. It’s a blustery day with wind gusts that will affect the runners but with temperatures in the low 60s and a cloudy day forecast, running conditions will be outstanding.

If all goes according to plan ;-), results of each race will be posted hourly. You can find them here:

24-hour race –

12-hour races –

6-hour races –

Complete results from each race will be posted as soon as possible as each event finishes. In past years this has been about 12 noon on New Year’s Day. I have FI in these events as I’m providing the timing and scoring.

For more information about the races, visit the race website at .

I wish all of you a very Happy New Year!

Mike Melton
Jensen Beach, FL The home of multiday running news and events.

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