Lingfield Park Ultrafest 2011

It is with great regret that the organisers of the LINGFIELD PARK ULTRA FEST have to announce the CANCELLATION of the 2011 event.

This is due to unforeseen work taking place at the Horse Racecourse during August 2011 and it was not possible to find another suitable date.

However it is such an ideal location and the Race Course Management are fully behind the event, so, it is proposed not to waste all the preparation work and stage the Fest in 2012.

A date will be announced after the Horse Racing programme is known for 2012 (Oct 2011), but is hoped to stage it in the month of August 2012.

The event organisers apologise for any inconvenience caused and look forward to welcoming all in 2012.

For further information see our website The home of multiday running news and events.

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