Leadville 100 Mile Trail Race 2010 – Update 2

These results are gleaned from photos posted on Twitter. If there are any errors please accept my apologies, (update – there were some and now they’ve been corrected).

The milliseconds.com data looks to be incomplete.

Race reports:
Travis Lisles
Full race results are now available on the race website below.

Top 10 Men
1. Duncan Callahan 17:43
2. Zeke Tiernan 18:25
3. Dylan Bowman 18:36
4. Neil Gorman 18:47
5. Jeff Beuche 18:58
6. Tim Waggoner 19:19
7. Harry Harcrow 19:23
8. Jason Koop 19:40
9. Rod Bien 19:46
10. W.Jared Scott 19:47

Top 10 Women
1. Liza Howard 21:19
2. Stephanie Jones 22:35
3. Ashley Arnold 23:08
4. Sus Brozik 23:23
5. Andrea Metz 23:34
6. Leila DeGrave 24:36
7. Laurie Nakauchi-Hawn 24:58
8. Katherine Dowson 25:22
9. Jeanne McCurnin 25:33
10. Megan Morrissey 25:45
11. Michelle Schamberger 26:50

Leadville Trail 100 Mile Run 2010

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