The Last Annual Vol State Road Race 2017 – Updates 168 Hours
Posted on the Ultralist
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2017 14:43:18 +0000
From: lazarus
Subject: the decisive 72 hours begin
eventually it becomes a war of attrition.
oprah took down paul heckert last night.
henry lupton fell this morning.
he had been in one place, trying to heal up
while oprah relentlessly bore down on him.
he awoke this morning,
hearing the distant sound of clicking high heels,
and he knew it was over.
now she has her sights on tanya underwood and james allen.
they are a mere mile ahead,
and that clicking sound that echoes in their ears
grows louder every time they rest.
it seems futile to hope,
but they have fought so long,
and so hard….
run tanya and james, run.
it has been a week now,
since 88 runners stepped off the ferry
(ok, one climbed out of the river)
and set off for castle rock.
the champions were crowned days ago
the cheers have faded,
the outside world has moved on.
30 have finished,
and 14 have gone down to defeat.
44, exactly half, are still on the road,
following that endless white line.
all day and all night
their life revolves around one thing:
follow the endless white line.
move ever onward.
on to the rock.
everyone is hurt.
their feet sore,
their legs weary.
they are hungry, thirsty,
and sleep deprived,
they have done things
their real life friends would never understand.
they have recalibrated their taste buds,
and eaten (with great relish) food they never imagined they would eat.
they have adjusted their standards,
and slept places they never dreamed they would sleep.
with sunburnt skin
and squinty eyes,
carrying now stripped down packs
(they have drastically reduced concepts of vital supplies)
the ones who remain on the road,
exactly half of the number who stepped on the ferry,
look more like war refugees than runners.
but, still they limp and hobble down the road.
pulled by the siren song of the rock.
they have been changed
in so many ways.
but they have not been broken.
few will notice,
and none will remember,
the mighty struggles that they have left to endure.
but they go on,
for the only one who they must satisfy
is themselves.
one of last night’s finishers told of a cashier,
who asked her;
“you do this for….. a sticker?”
how do you explain that the sticker is just a symbol.
we do it to prove to ourselves that we can.
that is why the 44 continue to follow the white line;
long after the champions have been crowned
and the records set.
long after the cheers have faded,
and the world has moved on.
that is why they will continue their quixotic quest
until they reach the rock,
or oprah catches them.
because they only have one person to prove something to…
and that person will always know
if they gave their full measure.
With under 70 hours left, there are 31 finishers, 14 stopped, 43 on the course.
Race Links
Tracking Sheet: http://www.tinyurl.com/Volstate2017
Map: https://drive.google.com
Twitter feed is #vs500k https://twitter.com/vs500k
Facebook: Last Annual Vol State Road Race
Website: volstate314.com
(My experience, as my sister’s crewer, in this year’s Vol State)
I don’t regret coming at all. I didn’t just sit in my car. I prayed, I thought about my life, I looked at the clouds, I saw the way they’d transform into different animals. It has been a long time since I had done that. I saw the stars. I saw shooting stars. I’d make a wish. I saw the trees. Being especially grateful for the ones that provided great shade. I saw animals. Noticing their reactions to our presence. I will never forget the curious cow who refused shade so that he could watch us . You will never forget the chicken. I saw the sky turn from light blue to black as the day went to night. I saw the names & dates on the tombstones , realizing how short life can be. I saw the tombstones that had become discolored by time. I quickly noticed the ones erupting from the ground without flowers & had pity for them, looking for any wildflowers I might could pick & place on their grave. I saw the beauty of looking across a pasture with mountains as the backdrop, & wondering if heaven might look like this. I listened to the birds sing , realizing their song was much sweeter than the one on pandora. I saw hope & found peace by something so small- a kitten . I saw beauty. Both seen and unseen , by a woman named Jean. I witnessed the Scripture Isaiah 40:31 unfold before my eyes: “But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” I saw perseverance, patience, & passion by you & all the other runners.
I understand the journey Laz and the other runners spoke of. I was only the “Crewer,” but this became a spiritual journey for me.
Thank you, sister for allowing me to experience all of this??