kate Condon On The Road

Dear everybody,
This is jess, Kate’s youngest (and best…) daughter. I have been delegated the job to fill you all in on mums progress cos unsurprisingly i doubt she has much time to sit about and write emails. I spoke to mum on the phone just now and thought id let you all know a few details of her first few days. Chicago was apparently an absolutely stunning city with incredible skyscrapers and some beautiful buildings. Mum and the boys got a lovely photo of a beautiful sunrise behind the skyline (i’ll send the photo on when they send it to me)
Some of you may know (and for those who dont..) mum does not exactly have the most fantastic sense of direction. Therefore i was not overly surprised to find out she did manage to get herself lost in chicago for a few hours! The RV that they are using for the next 10 weeks is a Lap of Luxury!! Double beds for all, shower, fridge, freezer, tv….. i thought she said this was going to be hard work?? But it is very reassuring for us at home to know that at the end of a long, hard and painful day she can relax a bit (until the next day begins….) I have been told that Route 66 (which incedentally is known as “the mother road”, as you can imagine my siblings and i find this very very appropriate!) is filled with truckers and bikers, as are the diners that mum frequents.One diner has provided us with a fabulous anecdote!! Mum went in just to quickly use the loo, she then went to buy a diet coke, due to their kindness at letting her use their bathroom. After chatting they gave her the drink for free! It seemed the waitress and diners were aware of the disease Psoriasis (in case anyone does not know, this is the disease which my mum has chosen to run in aid of). After a fun, lengthy chat with her, mum became a bit of a legend (unsurprising to any of us who know her!) and they refused to let her leave the diner without her signing their book… I am officially the daughter of a celebrity!! Anyway, I hope this finds you all well, and i will write again in a few days time.Jessxx

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