Jan Nabuurs Wins The 2010 Transe-Gaule

A Dutchman conquered France in this years 2010 Transe Gaule.
RD Jean Benoit wrote:
Everyone is on the beach… there is a high wind… unfortunate that it pushed the runners in the back all the day. Even this morning at the beginning with 5:00, the wind was already there… 28/30°c this apm with the wind. Some were put at the water… BUT there is bcp d’ emotions on the beach… We had the surprise visit of the Taiwanese, Lu Chu, who was on the beach with another Taiwanese runner who has already ran the TG twice. Lu Chu in 2008, had finished the Transe Gaulle with difficulty while complaining about pains sharp in the bottom of the legs. She was hospitalized in Narbonne. Result: a bacterial infection – direct consequence: amputation of a leg with the bacterium faciite décrozorgue… a bacterium which transperse the muscle. Very rare, very dangerous… because one can die… Lu Chu had bcp chance. She wanted to return to France, to re-examine old TG… She also passed to l’ hospital Montpellier to see the male nurses… Ca gives pleasure with much d’ between us to re-examine it…

Side race, is thus Jan Nabuurs who finished the stage in first, and who gains the TG 2010 while passing under the 100 hour old bar.
This evening, there is the handing-over of the prizes (trophy special for the winners and tee-shirt Transe Gaulle with the number of suitable stars), and the meal encloses with the gymnasium (wine of the corbières, beer.) With a paella Spanish mode made by a delicatessen (the same one since the beginning).
One will be this evening with the meal 120 people (friends, family, volunteers and runners.)

1 Jan Nabuurs (NED) 98:23:43 11,637
2 Didier Cartreau 104:13:32 10,986
3 Jobst Von Palombini (GER) 109:23:25 10,467

1. Brigitte Bec Cètre 124:00:54 9,233
2. Catherine Massif 128:10:36 8,933
3. Carmen Hildebrand (GER) 131:12:07 8,727

All the daily stage results can be found at Yanoo.net

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