Hi Ultra Running!
I own a residential retreat and training center near Estes Park in Colorado.
We are hosting an Introduction to Ultra Running Camp in April and thought this may be of interest to your site visitors.
*Introduction to Ultra Running Training Camp* – *Active at Altitude, Estes Park, CO – April 24-26 2009*
This is a training camp for runners seeking to prepare for their first ultra run, or run a faster one. The event is led by Paul Stofko, aka Crazy Legs.
Paul was winner of the McNaughton Park 150 in 2007, and is also an exercise physiologist. The training camp is for any runner that has already run up to marathon distance. The camp is hosted at Active at Altitude, a residential training center near Estes Park, gateway to magnificent Rocky Mountain
National Park. The whole weekend will based on a fun learning experience.
Seminars will cover mental conditioning, strength training, nutrition, shoes and apparel. There will be group runs of varying length and intensity, as well as yoga sessions. The camp includes all meals and water – massages are available at an additional cost if pre-booked. The well priced weekend is from $300.00 to $350.00 per person sharing.
Further information is available at www.activeataltitude.com, or contact Terry Chiplin, owner of Active at Altitude, on970-586-4432, or terry@activeataltitude.com.
Let me know if you have any questions!
Happy trails!
Terry Chiplin
Active at Altitude
Residential Center for Physical Activity and Training at Altitude
T (+1) 970 586 4432
M (+1) 303 304 9159
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