Footcare: Types of Orthotics

Types of Orthotics

So let’s say, for the sake of argument, that you meet some of the criteria we talked about in the last post about Basic Facts on Orthotics (below). You remember, pain in your feet, problems in your knees or hips, etc. You have several options:

1. Make an appointment with a podiatrist – and possibly get orthotics, or

2. Try a few over-the-counter orthotics first.

Unless you are in a great deal of pain, or are in a hurry to solve your problem, you have little to lose in trying a few of the commonly available, over-the-counter orthotics.

Let’s make a distinction between insoles found in drug stores and an orthotic arch support made to correct alignment of your feet. The drug store insoles are typically full-length inserts made to provide a small degree of support and a larger amount of cushioning. These are fine for normal use, but if you have foot pain or symptoms as described in the earlier post, I would move on to an orthotic.
Read the full article at: Happy feet – Types of orthotics

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