Runs for 2009
1. Escape to Victory 17th May 2009
Ultra South
Main Event Start 8am
Venue: The Downs, river valleys and coast around Brighton.
Profile: virtually traffic free loop, rural, hilly.
Venue facilities: changing, toilets, parking, bag storage.
Entry: via website – £40.00 for single entry or
£27.00 if one of a team of 2. £2.00 reduction if UKA affiliated.
Distance: 45 miles or as a relay in teams of 2 of 22 ½ miles each.
Description: Wonderfully varied ultra-run across the South Downs and
across the South Coast with beautiful views. Opportunity for support from
friends and family in easy to access but charming settings.
2. London Loop 23rd to 24th May 2009
Ultra ? South
Main Event Start 10am
Venue: Countryside around London starting and ending at Greenwich. Venue
facilities: changing, bag storage, toilets.
Entry: via website – £60.00 if one of a team of 2
or £35.00 if one of a team of 4.
Distance: 100 miles in total in four stages.
Description: Surprisingly challenging and pretty run in the countryside
very close to London. Excellent transport links means that supporters can
uniquely follow this event at first hand.
3. Coast to Coast 2009 – 7th to 13th June 2009
Ultra North
Main Event start 10am
Venue: Cumbria to Northumberland via Hadrian?s Wall and the Kielder Forest
from the Irish Sea to the North Sea.
Venue facilities: Changing, toilets, all food and tented accommodation.
Prize giving dinner and hotel accommodation on last night.
Entry: via website – £765.00
Distance: About 170 miles in 6 stages.
Description: Wonderfully varied and challenging terrain from marshland to
significant hills, farmland, forest, desolate moorland and occasional easy
surface on this challenging journey across the North of England close to
the Scottish border.
4. London to Brighton – 4th October 2009
Ultra South
Main Event start 7am
Venue: London (Greenwich) to Brighton centre.
Venue Facilities: Changing, toilets, bag transfer and full support. Entry:
via website – £42.00 if before October 2008 (£45.00
thereafter), £2.00 reduction if UKA affiliated.
Distance: 56 miles.
Description: Classic ultra/trail run out of London then across the North
Downs, through the Weald into Ashdown Forest to the South Coast at
5. Doyen of the Downs 6th December 2009
Ultra South
Main Event Start 8am
Venue: Arundel Castle, surrounding Forest, the South Downs and the River
Arun valley.
Venue Facilities: Changing, bag storage, toilets and full support. Entry:
via website – £37.00, £2.00 reduction if UKA
Distance: 30 miles.
Description: Run starting at the wonderful Arundel Castle and through
woods, river valleys and farm trails up and along the South Downs.
Challenging enough for experienced ultra runners but short enough for
newcomers to the sport, this is a great way to end the running year.
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