Elk Ridge Eleven Ultra 2012

Date: Mon, 5 Dec 2011 19:39:11 -0500
From: Mark Dorion
Subject: Elk Ridge Eleven Ultra/ Feb. 25 in remotest New Mexico–

Several folks (from “up north” places like Colorado, Utah, Kansas) on the ultralist have asked me about winter ultras in warm, sunny southern New Mexico. Below is some info. As for “warm and sunny,” at the moment it is snowing hard with about a 30MPH wind at my house (4,210′ elev.), as it has off and on for several days. A report on this past Saturday’s 12th annual Sagebrush Shuffle ultra, held in the same remote high desert mountains, is forthcoming.

ELK RIDGE ELEVEN (11 Hour and 50Km)

Sat. Feb. 25, 2012. 7:15 M.S.T. start. Near Vado, NM.

Route: Remote single-track trails/ old jeep roads/ some pavement and cross country. A good runner should be able to get over 50 miles in 11 hours. Due to popular demand, we have a 50Km+- option.

Elevation on course = 4,020′>4,450′.

**Pass old mines up close, remnants of old corrals and adobe structures dating back 100 years.
**Loops in several directions. After 25 miles shorter, scenic 95% single-track 5Km (3.1 mi) and 2.5Km (1.55 mi.) loops with amazing scenery.
**Water, drinks, light snacks every 3 miles, t-shirts, great camaraderie!
**Real elk have been seen on the course, but jackrabbits, cottontails, coyotes, foxes and javelinas are much more common.

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