Yanoo.net is a great website. I have never met JB who is also the Race Director of “Trance Gaule” as its so cutely described in this little gem recently posted on the site, but I hope to do so in the not too distant future as he and his team make a huge contribution to European ultrarunning.
This is a direct google translation of an article on Edema in multiday runners – its a bit rugged in places…
In this news interesting results transmitted by Jean Benoit Jaouen the Transe Gaul from a reflection of the participant and finisher of Trance Gaul 2006, a doctor, Yves Duquesne on the recurrent problem of edema, often located around ankles, and affecting each and every year several participants in the Trance Gaul and other stage races of the same type. Take knowledge … and rush quickly to the grocery store to buy a good bottle opener rather than the pharmacy to buy anti-inflammatory!
The message of Dr. Yves Duquesne, former Transegaulois.
For info and as promised, some information on our Trance edema Gaul 2006.
It is probably myoglobinuria: in short, when the muscles are strained (or subject to prolonged stress in intense heat) they release large quantities of a protein called myoglobin, which can “clog” the kidneys partly or … completely! Result: you pee less or not at all, the water accumulates as edema and we “inflate”. This can lead to the extreme, severe renal impairment.
What counts for us runners is: how to prevent it and how to respond when it happens?
1 – Regular training before this type of race: run, if possible, every day, months before the TG (eg from 70 to 80 km / week seems reasonable for 4 to 6 months depending on the fellows and do not arrive exhausted at the start)
2 – Avoid heat stroke (hence the importance of starting the race early) and slow down if necessary, to water, to shade in hot conditions
3 – Bring a lot of calories during the race: 3500 to 4000 kcal / day, at least, as more muscle is in need, the more lack of “fuel”, and it may lead us to this myoglobinuria
4 – Finally, drink regularly: 1 liter / hour of the race, and it is not so obvious! (Or, for me, an average of 8 liters per stage. So the bottle in his hand and mouth almost permanently.)
5 – If swelling occurs you must avoid aggravating factor, namely: no medication, and certainly not anti-inflammatory, as they will not be used in this case, quite the contrary. Indeed, these drugs are eliminated by the kidneys, and if the kidneys are already struggling to remove myoglobin, it will be difficult to eliminate anti-inflammatories, where the risk of overdose, and overdose can lead to kidney failure. By cons, you should drink a lot, even if the swelling increases even more, the goal being to “piss” our kidneys (the price will be increased edema but we “will save” our kidneys).
Drinking a lot of beer, our dear Germans drink well, provide more calories and it makes them pee! Trance Gaul, as the lengthy races, race is therefore a good living This … and much more!
For more information on the Internet, type “myoglobinuria marathon” on a search engine.
For small info: our dear dead soldier for having traveled the legendary marathon distance and gave its name to the famous race of 42 km and dust did not know this and it may be dead serious myoglobinuria . It was probably hot, and with his armor soldier, he has certainly transpired that man.
There was no Gérard, Marcel, Marie-Louise, Cathy, Jacquemine for supply …
There was not Charles and Philou to carry his luggage …
There was no Team with him … (other runners, family, friends)
There was no orange arrows to indicate the road …
And then there was probably no good beers on his way …
— End of translation —
Read the original article in French,on Yanoo.net: Un médecin coureur explique le problème récurrent des oedèmes
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