DreamChaser Events Newsletter – July 2007


July 2007
In This Issue

Can You Run a 400 in 60 seconds or Less?
Register for Future Races Before They Close Out!
Badwater Double…AGAIN?
Sign Up for Lisa’s Blog Updates
Meet Our Featured Runner of the Month: SANDY POWELL
Featured Product of the Month: SaltStick

Join our mailing list!


Welcome to the fourth edition of the
Outdoor Adventure Club Newsletter!

Can You Run a 400 in 60 seconds or Less?
We are looking for people who can participate in
Jackson, WY’s RELAY FOR LIFE who can run
a 400
around the track in 60 seconds or less. The event
takes place on Saturday, August 4th (here are more
details (http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=ih4y5bcab.0.vwuvwbcab.opw7o9bab.3051&ts=S0261&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.kintera.org%2Ffaf%2Fhome%2Fdefault.asp%3Fievent%3D213924)) If we can get a team that
can make this pace, there are sponsors who will
donate THOUSANDS of DOLLARS to cancer
research. Please contact Rick Walls at
[email protected] if you are
FAST and can help this important cause.


Register for Future Races Before They Close Out!
Sign Up Now

SEPT 2007: Bring your family and
friends to join us at the Grand
Teton Races (http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=ih4y5bcab.0.yeu9vbcab.opw7o9bab.3051&ts=S0261&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dreamchaserevents.com%2Fgtr%2F) in September. Register for
the 26.2, 50, or 100 mile distances – or take
a new challenge and try the 50 mile distance
on Saturday and the Trail Marathon on Sunday.
Read a first person account of the race from
last year’s 100 Mile Female winner: Michele
Jensen (http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=ih4y5bcab.0.v5vg4bcab.opw7o9bab.3051&ts=S0261&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dreamchaserevents.com%2Fgtr%2Fpdfs%2FGrand_Teton_100_Race_Report.pdf)

OCT 2007: Sign-up to become one of the
competitors from around the globe to battle
it out on
tracks and trails through the Amazon Jungle
in Brazil,
covering 200km (approximately 125 miles) in 6
over 7 days (or choose the 100K, 4 day/stage
Jungle Marathon (http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=ih4y5bcab.0.9opcj4bab.opw7o9bab.3051&ts=S0261&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.1goal1hero.com%2Fjunglemarathon%2Findex.htm) Registration

DEC 2007: Tucson
Marathon, Half Marathon & Marathon Relay (http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=ih4y5bcab.0.8lve56bab.opw7o9bab.3051&ts=S0261&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tucsonmarathon.com)
Registration is now open. Join us on
December 2.
It’s a great place to earn a PR or to train
for another
race, such as the Phoenix Rock ‘N Roll

SPRING 2008: With the growing
popularity of
the Marathon des Sables, we’d like to offer
you the
opportunity to secure a spot in the 2008
and/or 2009
races. More information about
pre-registration about
2008 and 2009
Marathon des Sables (http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=ih4y5bcab.0.8opcj4bab.opw7o9bab.3051&ts=S0261&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dreamchaserevents.com%2FDes%25) Pre-Registration


Badwater Double…AGAIN?

Back to Death Valley in 2007

Lisa will be joining many friends at the
start of the Badwater Ultramarathon on
Monday, July 23rd. She will finish the 135
mile road race, then climb from Mt Whitney’s
Portals to its peak, then reverse the route
to cover nearly 300 miles. Sound familiar?
Yep, Lisa did it last year and will be making
her second attempt later this month. Lisa will be
for the MPD foundation (learn
more (http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=ih4y5bcab.0.75vg4bcab.opw7o9bab.3051&ts=S0261&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dreamchaserevents.com%2Flisasmithbatchen%2Fbadwater07_cause.htm)), though she continues to support
the Religious Teachers Filippini. During the
race, there will be daily Blog updates.
Support Lisa and the MPD foundation, as she
races with a purpose!


Sign Up for Lisa’s Blog Updates

Read It First!

Another great way to stay in touch with your
ultrarunning news and some great human interest
stories is to subscribe to
Lisa’s Blog (http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=ih4y5bcab.0.4opcj4bab.opw7o9bab.3051&ts=S0261&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.lisasmithbatchen.blogspot.com%2F). To subscribe, visit her
Blog at
http://www.lisasmithbatchen.blogspot.com/ and
your e-mail address in the upper right-hand


Meet Our Featured Runner of the Month: SANDY POWELL

We are so happy to share the story of Sandy’s
recent successes…and to applaud the hard work
that goes behind each and every step. Enjoy
Sandy’s story (http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=ih4y5bcab.0.65vg4bcab.opw7o9bab.3051&ts=S0261&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dreamchaserevents.com%2Flisasmithbatchen%2Ffeatured_runner.htm)!


Featured Product of the Month: SaltStick

Great for the HEAT!!!

In the recent hot spell, we’ve been using SaltStick to
combat the heat. You should think about it, too! Here
is a link to order SaltStick (http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=ih4y5bcab.0.xwuvwbcab.opw7o9bab.3051&ts=S0261&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dreamchaserevents.com%2Fdoac%2Fpdfs%2FApr2007_Merchandise.pdf)
and other great endurance nutrition products through
Dreamchasers Outdoor Adventure Club.



Jay Batchen & Lisa Smith-Batchen
Dreamchasers Outdoor Adventure Club

Email:[email protected]

Phone:208 787 2077


Multidays.com The home of multiday running news and events.

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