Crawley AIM 24 Hour Race 2018

The Crawley AIM 24 Hour race 2018 starts 12 noon today at the K2 stadium. With a capacity field in the 24,12 and 6 hour events, this first track race of the year in the UK has some capable runners set to go. Helen James returns to the 24 hour distance after a few years absence and after a good showing at the Brugg 6 hour last year is hoping that things hold together today. Sarah Sawyer after some very promising performances in RTP’s stage races switches to the track format and her 24 hour debut.

Race Director Pam Storey said this morning there have been some last minute drops so not sure right now who is coming but Brian Robb will surely be a contender.

Race website:

As soon as I get the results link it will be posted in this message and on Facebook on the race page. The home of multiday running news and events.

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