Comments, Stats and Site Information

Some people leave comments on posts which is a great thing. There are however people who have technology to spam posts and every day I have to remove spam despite having excellent filters which detect 98% of the posts – 30-40 a day.

All comments are moderated automatically for this reason but every genuine comment is accepted. However when a comment is accepted, it is switched off the main page and the comment has to be manually switched back on. Which is why quite a few comments have not reappeared. Sorry about that.

Today I went through all 613 posts and turned them back on and will endeavour to remember this little quirk for the future.

Also I’d like to share some of the site stats with you as I noticed today that there have been 110,000 visitors this year so far and there are about 500 visitors a day on the site.
Not really a useful stat but impressive in size is the hit count, which will reach a million for the year at the end of October.
The country sending the 10th most traffic to the site is Chile which is above China, Japan and Switzerland. If there any ultras in Chile I will be happy to post the info.

The section receiving the most page counts is the Wiki. I haven’t been able to get to it for some time but that is a valuable resource that I would like to develop. Again, if you would like to add info about your race, event or experience then I will be happy to open an account for you.

Most popular posts are Neil Cook’s two articles about Asthma and Challenge and Jay Bizzari’s 24 hour article has consistently been in the top 3 posts – guest bloggers. This is open to anyone who would like to write something about their interest connected to multiday or ultrarunning.
Interviews are great too. As and when I can, I interview people and over the next month I hope to speak to some more ultrarunners in the UK.

Race reports are always popular too as are results of races. Having just started the new section for ultras I’m sure more links and material will be posted there.

The forum is a difficult thing as it requires a few dedicated contributors to kickstart it and obviously needs members to contribute. Maybe that will happen one day and it will be a great thing for the site but at the moment I dont have too much energy to make that happen and there seem to be lots of forums around already.

Requests and questions, please send mail to: [email protected]

Thanks for your interest.

Abichal The home of multiday running news and events.

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