Amazing Maasai Ultra 2012

Race Registration Open

LAIKIPIA, KENYA: The second annual Amazing Maasai ULTRA is set for July 21, 2012 in Laikipia North, Kenya. Races will include an ultra-marathon (75km+), a 42km standard marathon, and 21km half marathon. The event is set in the Maasai community lands of central Kenya’s picturesque Lower Rift Valley and is an opportunity to test your endurance against the famed Kenyan Maasai runners.

The Amazing Maasai ULTRA is a major fundraising event for the Amazing Maasai Girls Project, a non-for-profit organization that supports Maasai girls education in Kenya. All race proceeds go towards full four-year education scholarships for Maasai girls who otherwise would not have access to secondary education. In the inaugural year, the race funded 15 girls to attend four years of secondary school.

Runners for all standards are invited to join local Laikipia Maasai runners for this unique Maasai running event in the foothills of beautiful Mt Kenya, the homeland of endurance running. For international runners traveling from abroad, there is a Race & Travel package that includes 6 nights accommodation, meals, game drives and cultural discovery of the Maasai peoples. There are also weekend race options for East African residents.

More information on the race, itinerary and registration is available at: Runners are encouraged to register early to secure one of limited spots open to international runners.

About the Amazing Maasai ULTRA

The Aim:
All proceeds and donations to the Race go towards the Amazing Maasai Girls Project, a scholarship fund to support girls secondary school education. The Amazing Maasai Girls Project is a US-registered 501c3, non-profit organization.

The Course:
The Ultra (75km+), 42km and 21km Marathon courses will be run along unsealed roads and paths in the bush terrain in the foothills around scenic Mt Kenya. There will be areas of long hills, flat bush land, and rolling countryside. Participants will experience the beautiful raw wilderness of the Maasai Laikipia region of central Kenya. Runners will have the chance to run alongside some of the world’s best endurance runners in an Ultra adventure of a lifetime. The home of multiday running news and events.

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