Espoo 24 Hour Endurance Race 2010


This message is just an information that the date of III Endurance 24 hour indoor-event has now been officially confirmed. The race will be run 30-31.01.2010 at Esport Arena in Espoo, Finland, on 390 m mondo-surfaced indoor-track.

The registration will be opened at the beginning of September 2009. This is due to feedback we received after opening the registration for the II E24h -race too early.

The participation limit will be around 120 runners. 60 places are reserved for Finnish runners, 40 places will be reserved for non-Finnish runners and besides that there will be about 20 places reserved for International elite-level runners (24 h about 220+ km for Men, 200+ km for Women or other achievements comparable to those results).

More information will be available at the website during the summer.

Please feel free to pass that information for the interested ones. If you have something to ask about III Endurance 24h -event, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

The review of II Endurance 24h -competition written by Edit Bérces (WR holder of 24 h women) may be found on: :

Best regards,

Jari Tomppo webmaster
[email protected] The home of multiday running news and events.

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