600 Miles in 6 Days

Posted on the Ultralist:

Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2006 09:36:40 -0600
From: “Dorion, Mark G”
Subject: 600 Miles in 6 Days (Journey Run?)


Several people on the ultralist have asked recently about how many people (and who) have run 600 miles in 6 days in monitored, accurately measured races.

According to my research and use of my “Way Back Machine,” these 12 men have accomplished this remarkable feat:

1.) Yiannis Kouros age 49 GRE = 2005 644+ (pending)
2.) Jean-Gilles-Boussiquet 48 FRA =1992 640
3.) Gilbert Mainix 57 FRA =1988 626
4.) George Littlewood 29 GBR =1888 623
5.) James Zarei 46 GBR =1990 622
6.) Bryan Smith 45 AUS =1989 622
7.) James Cathcart — USA =1888 621
8.) Patrick Fitzgerald — USA =1884 610
9.) Daniel Herty — USA =1888 605
10.) Charles Rowell — GBR =1882 602
11.) George Hazael — GBR =1882 600
12.) Rimas Jakelaitis 45 LIT =2001 600

Yiannis Kouros has several other outstanding marks well over 600 miles.
Boussiquet, Mainix and Zarei also ran over 600 miles more than once. In a memorable 1992 race in LaRochelle, France on a concrete indoor track, Boussiquet won with 640, Mainix was 2nd with 626 and Zarei 3rd with 605!

Rimas, who is pictured in the current (October 2006) ULTRARUNNING magazine at the Johnny Kenul Memorial Run, and who won this year’s Self-Transcendence 10 Day Race, ran his 600 as a SPLIT in the 2001 New York 10 day event.


–Sandra Barwick NZ 548 mi. 558 yds.
–Eleanor Robinson GB 538 582
–Dipali Cunningham AUS 510 (pictured in recent UR)
–Donna Hudson US 487 1585 ( pictured in Oct. 2006 ULTRARUNNING)
–Edith Couhe FRA 479 968


–Stu Mittleman 577 1100 yds.
–George Gardiner 554 72
–David Luljak 541
–Marty Sprengelmeyer 516 960
–Don Choi 511 596

***(Canada’s Trishul Cherns, featured in a recent UR article and pictured in this month’s UR, has done 538 miles 189 yds.; Canada’s Michel Careau has done 539 1689).

Historically yours,
–Mr. Peabody (anyone old enough, besides me and Laz Lake, to catch this historical reference?)

Multidays.com The home of multiday running news and events.

1 Comment

  1. Thanks for the goal setting information Mark. By the way, the answer is The Rocky & Bulwinkle Show – Mr. Peabody is the professor who goes back in time with the “Way Back Machine”.

    PS – are you running in the Ultracentric next month?

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