24 Hour Race Calendar

The 24 Hour Race calendar is up and still some dates to be decided. Some races I can’t find websites to and some races may have been one-off’s and no longer being held.

The list seems to be growing with potentially at least 10 more races than last year. The Sri Chinmoy Marathon team will hold a Self-Transcendence 24 hour in Russia again later in the year making it by far the worlds number one sponsor of 24 hour and multiday races.

Some websites I have trouble with because of my lack of that language. I am thinking of the Korean Ultra website as a particular example. There are a lot of ultras taking place in Korea and the website seems to be working and have the information but it’s not in a useful format for me right now. If anyone would like to send me a list of Korean ultra events 24 hours and up, I will be very happy to list these races. And I may as well add that any other 24 hour races not listed is due to my ignorance and I am willing to be enlightened.
Some Korean dates I found on the IAU’s calendar which was a great help.

There are some great calendars around covering the ultra scene – more now than last year. If you are moving around and want to check out some races this list will give something to think about.


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The I.A.U. has a great calendar and you can’t go wrong by checking out the multiday calendar and the 24 hour calendars on this website.


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