10 Day Race Underway

Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2008 01:36:30 -0400
From: Mark Dorion
Subject: And they’re off! (Big NY 6/ 10 Day Ultra)


At high noon Wednesday, the 13th annual Self-Transendence 10 Day Race started on the shore of Meadow Lake, Queens.

Several international stars to watch include Germany’s Wolfgang Schwerk (#2 all-time at 24 hours, 171+ miles), Slovakia’s Terezia Kaneenika Janakova (has done 648 miles in 10 days, 422 mi in 6 days), and young Australian veteran racer Sarah Barnett (600+ mi in 10 days, won recent South Africa 6 day, etc.). Last year’s 10 day winner, Petr Spacil of Czech, will toe the line Sunday for the accompanying 6 day race.

The 6 day– the most historic of ultras, with races in New York City alone dating back to 1880– in Flushing Meadows this year features an all-star top 5, with Petr being joined by last year’s winner Pekka Asprihanal Aalto (FIN), Takaka of Japan, Geesler of the USA and world road record holder Dipali Cunningham (AUST-USA). Dipali is shooting for her 11th consecutive title at this race (some of these wins were OVERALL ones),which would give her one of the longest event consecutive win spans in history. I believe (please feel free to correct) Ann Trason won 10 straight Western States women’ s titles.

These are the most international multi-day races in the world. Try to imagine what it would be like if we got the top trail and mountain runners from France, Switzerland, England, Italy, Australia etc. to come compete in a US trail 50 or 100 mile (I am aware that Sunmart has attempted this– all power to them).

You can follow the New York Self-Trans races at: www.srichinmoyraces.org
also: www.multidays.com

The runners appreciate any and all virtual cheers. If it is raining, and one’s feet have swollen several shoe sizes above normal, and 2 a.m., even the most mentally tough athlete can find it tough going.

Best to all ultrarunners,

Mark D
El Paso, TX

Multidays.com The home of multiday running news and events.

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  1. 6 and 10 Day Self Transcendence Race 2008 — Sri Chinmoy Centre News

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