The Last Annual Vol-State Race 2009 – Wrapped Up Like A Burrito

Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2009 16:46:12 +0000
From: lazarus lake
Subject: vol-state- wrapped up like a burrito

So Rich made it up to the rock last night just after dark. He seemed pretty proud of himself and he knows the philosophical truth of the vol-state “I hurt therefore I am”.


Dewayne’s performance was astounding to watch. The time might not be so exceptional by multi-day standards but that is a pretty darn hard course. Passing over the emotion of the moment, it would be a shame if Dewayne’s run were not in the conversation when performance of the year comes up.
There have been a number of exceptional performances this year (I have even been lucky enough to witness another myself) and there will no doubt be more before the year ends.
Mature athletes realize that individual awards of this nature are highly subjective, especially when you are talking about a sport as varied as ultrarunning. They are not contested head-to-head and are impossible to measure one against another. Such awards are bestowed not won and no one should be disappointed if their submission does not win (or overly excited if it does) but when the discussion of POY begins, Dewayne’s incredible effort belongs on the table.

Several people wrote during the event wanting to run next year. However the last 12 days are a blur. Every minute seemed to be filled with rushing to get somewhere (usually somewhere far away) and most of my e-mail was handled by means of mass delete. Please write again so I can get you started on the road to the road. It is as grand an experience as your mind pictures it.

It might have been grand but grand results come from countless small efforts. It was inspiring to watch these people seemingly ordinary people rise to the challenge day after day. They say a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. They never mention that you must keep taking another step a million times (even when your feet hurt like hell with every one of them). To remain fixed on your goal thru the fatigue, thru the pain, thru the distances which seem so insurmountable that is greatness. It was my privilege to witness as 14 ordinary men and women found greatness within themselves.

Many thanks to all those who made the vol-state happen. This is a runners’ race and a tribute to what people working for a common goal can achieve. Whether it was Don’s flags, John’s maps, Mike’s website, Susan’s upgraded transport vehicle or Carl sacrificing days and days of his valuable time everyone involved made some contribution to the race happening. It is a shame that I have neither the time nor memory to recognize everything that was done (and everyone who did things) but I think the story of a race of this magnitude being put on by the runners who run in it might be the most compelling story of all.

Lastly thanks to all of you who followed. The reality of the vol-state is endless hours of lonely effort. Of taking those individual steps despite the fatigue, pain and temptation to quit. Of getting up in the morning sore and exhausted strapping on your gear stepping out the door and hobbling till you can walk then walking until you can run and then going until you can go no more before resting (or what counts as rest when your body is wracked with pain) and then starting over. As strange as it might seem somehow it made the long grinds more bearable to know that others (others who might really understand what they were going thru) were at home following their progress and wishing for them to succeed.

For now that endless ribbon of road lies empty. The cars & trucks still rush along. The katydids still sing and the loose dogs still lie in ambush. But without its vol-staters the road lies empty… until next July when a cadre of laughing, joking, nervous aspirants step off that ferry. Maybe you will be among them. God knows I hope that I am.


The Last Annual Vol-State Race 2009 Results

3d 17:42:12 Dewayne Satterfield
5d 11:22:14 Keith Woodall
5d 12:19:11 Dan Fox
5d 16:35:20 Byron Backer
5d 16:45:20 John Price
5d 21:37:22 Joe Ninke
6d 03:21:47 Relay (Patrick Binienda and Peter Emmons)
6d 09:52:46 Don Winkley
6d 11:29:29 Scott Maxwell
7d 09:59:15 Cyndi Graves
7d 10:42:45 Rita Barnes
8d 17:15 ish Mike O’Melia
9d 13:47:18 Rich Limacher

Richard Burrell 223 miles
Frederick Davis III 179 miles
Abigail Meadows 179 miles
Marv Skagerberg 68 miles

Carl Laniak has posted some photos of the race. The home of multiday running news and events.

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