Mohican 100 Mile Endurance race

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Mohican is a "fat daisy" where you start at the base of the daisy, run to the center of the wheel, do some loops (petals) twice, and then return to Start/Finish along a different route.

1) "Loops?" Yes, but since you only do them a second time, they're mostly a comfort in being slightly familiar. As well, since you're doing them at a very different time of day (Heh! Mebbe "time of *night*"!), it has a wonderful newness to it, as well.

2) Mohican is very kind to your feet. Unlike OD (or many other courses for that matter, that run on recent glaciation or ancient ridge), Mohican has little technical terrain (HA! Excepting the blue loop, which is just too purty to hurry through anyway!), and many runners of speed and sloth wear road shoes for the whole thing. (I wouldn't, but your lightest true trail [footplate] shoe -- WITH GOOD DRAINAGE -- will do fine). I use Montrail Melee/Masai/???

3) Mohican is a zen experience. It is run during the longest daylight weekend, in an environment of lurid green leaves. There are marvelous pastoral views; there are long green tunnels. You can broil in steam (85*F and high humidity) and freeze (41*F and heavy fog) on the same day. There are enough hills to stretch out even the tightest hammies (mine), and to challenge the sturdiest quads (and if you don't think so, just run faster). The aid stations are islands of fuel and encouragement, and I swear that I have kept running just to visit the next one and say "Hi!" to all my new-made friends. If you want to be alone, you can run for hours without seeing another soul; if you want company, Mo' runners are a *friendly* lot. (Posted by Sloetoe on the Ultralist November 2006)




Mohican Wilderness Campground


Mix of single-track trail (75%) and dirt and gravel or paved road. The trail can be extremely muddy and has 11,500 Feet of total climb.
