Trans Europe 2016

europe1Trans Europe 2016 – Exclusive Scoop On

A new transcontinental race through four European countries should be released in the summer of 2016 and would become the fourth transcontinental race of its kind in Europe, while 10 other crossings have already been held in the United States (1928, 1929, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 2002, 2004, 2011 and 2012) and one other in Australia (2001).

The initiator of this big project is the French rider Patrick Bonnot, a colorful character who himself participated in the Trans Europe Footrace 2012 and has been an organizer since the 2010 Ultra Trace St. Jacques. Patrick Bonnot has been working on this project for several months and after traveling in Poland in August, he will checkout the last portion of the trail crossing northern Spain in October. Crossings of Germany and France will rely heavily on routes used for the Trans Europe 2012 and Ultra Trace St. Jacques.

The total distance of the route is estimated at about 4,000 km which will be covered in sixty consecutive steps, without a day of rest.

Here is an exclusive pre-announcement by Patrick Bonnot, before the official launch of the event beginning 2015 If you are tempted by the adventure that marks one indelibly as a life racer, think but don’t think too much because it’s a one-of-a-kind event.
After three Trans Europe footraces organised by Germany’s Ingo Schulze (in 2003 from Lisbon to Moscow 3,129 miles in 2009 from Bari to Norway’s North Cape 2,789 miles, and in 2012 from Skagen to Gibraltar 2,597 miles), a new transcontinental footrace across Europe is now being planned and should see the light of day during the summer of 2016. The race will start in the east of Poland and finish in Santiago de Compostela, a distance of almost 2,500 miles This newest Trans Europe will cross Poland (11 days), Germany (16 days), France (21 days) and finally the north of Spain (12 days). The planned race dates – still to be confirmed – are from July 3 to August 31, 2016. Entries will open in January 2015, at which time all the details of the race entry fee and more information will be made ??available. For now, dream on!

Patrick Bonnot – Finisher Trance & Gaul 2005 Trans Europe Footrace 2012 and race director of Ultra Trace St. Jacques 2010 – 2011 – 2012 to 2013

En Francais
Après trois Trans Europe Footrace organisées par l’Allemand Ingo Schulze en 2003 (Lisbonne-Mouscou 5036 km), 2009 (Bari-Cap Nord 4488 km) et 2012 (Skagen-Gibraltar 4178 km) et pour perpétuer l’oeuvre, une nouvelle course transcontinentale à travers l’Europe est en gestation et devrait voir le jour en été 2016. Le nouveau tracé s’étirera de l’Est de la Pologne jusqu’à Santiago de Compostela (St-Jacques-de-Compostelle) en Corogne espagnole, sur un tracé d’environ 4000 kilomètres. Cette Trans Europe traversera la Pologne (11 jours), l’Allemagne (16 jours), la France (21 jours) et enfin le nord de l’Espagne (12 jours). Les dates actuellement retenues, mais qui restent à confirmer, sont du 3 juillet au 31 août 2016. Les pré-inscriptions ouvriront en janvier 2015 lorsque seront disponibles le dossier d’information, le tracé détaillé du parcours, les modalités et le tarif d’inscription. D’ici là, faites de beaux rêves !

In Deutsch
Nach drei Transeuropaläufen, die vom Deutschen Ingo Schulze 2003, 2009 und 2012 organisiert wurden, ist ein neuer Lauf im Entstehen, um Ingos Werk fortzusetzen. Dieser Lauf wird voraussichtlich im Sommer 2016 stattfinden. Die neue Strecke verläuft vom Osten Polens bis nach Santiago de Compostela in der spanischen Provinz A Coruña auf einer Länge von etwa 4000 Kilometern. Dieser neue Transeuropalauf wird Polen in elf Tagen durchqueren, dann 16 Tage lang durch Deutschland führen und 21 Tage wird durch Frankreich gelaufen. Schließlich führt die Strecke noch 12 Tage durch Nordspanien zum Ziel in Santiago de Compostela. Die noch vorläufigen Daten für diesen Transeuropalauf lauten: 3. Juli bis 31. August 2016. Die Voranmeldung wird am 1. Januar 2015 eröffnet werden, wenn auch eine erste Ausschreibung vorliegt sowie der genaue Streckenverlauf und die Teilnahmegebühr feststehen werden. Von nun an also schöne (Lauf)Träume !
The Blog “Trans Europe 2012” by Patrick Bonnot :

Patrick Bonnot video on the 27th stage of the Trans Europe 2012 between St-Seine l’Abbaye and Avallon (85 km, 14 September 2012): The home of multiday running news and events.


  1. Hi,
    Thanks for your enquiry. I just checked my sources and found a note on Yanoo:

    “Patrick Bonnot, initiator of the project, regret to inform that due to organizational difficulties, the project of a new TRANS EUROPE announced for summer 2016 is canceled. C e transcontinental race project remains on the drawing board.”

    I guess thats it for the moment. It will take 18 months to two years to organise this kind of event so there will be a Transe Gaule in 2016 August/September but nothing bigger at the moment.

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