Full and Final Fans Results

Bob Metzger has post the final results for the FANS 24 hour race last weekend on the site and Oz Pearlman, who came 12th overall posted a brief report on the Ultralist that is reproduced here.

Here is my race report:

The race started off quite warm with clear blue skies (after they were predicting T-storms and rain), and I started off right on pace, though in hindsight it was probably too fast. I reached 50 miles in 7:28, took my f irst walking break for 10 minutes; next milestone was 100km in 9:40 (qualified for Spartathlon 2008!) and a 15 minute walking break; and about 75 miles at the 12 hour mark.

I had some stomach issues throughout the day where things were sloshing around and I had to stop constantly for bathroom breaks, to no avail. I switched from solid foods to just energy gels and that seemed to help somewhat. At around 13 hours into the race I hit my first major low point , where I was reduced to walking and feeling pretty miserable. Thankfully that only lasted for one lap because my pacer/crew Nick showed up and did a wonderful job of motivating me to keep on moving. From that point on we got into a great rhythm of running 2 laps, then power walking the third. This went on for about 5 or 6 hours and things were looking great. I hit the 100 mile mark at 18:02 and felt like I had a lot of gas left in the tank. It was great walking one of the laps with Larry and Chad (had an amazing crew and great shirts…Go Chad!).

Shortly thereafter I felt a sudden and incredibly sharp pain in my right calf. This was really excruciating and unlike anything I had ever felt before. We decided to try to walk the lap and see if it would loosen up. That lap took over an hour and forty minutes and then when I got to the medical tent, they said I had severely strained the muscle; and it would probably be in my best interest to call it a day before injuring it worse. Part of me was disappointed but I knew it was beyond my control, and I was quite proud to have broken 100 miles (105.7 miles total). I will definitely be back next year to run it again as this was such a fun race and so well organized. Congratulations to everyone that was out there running and walking, as well as the volunteers and staff.

Thanks, Oz

Checkout the FANS website

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