Freedom Park New Year’s 24 Hour Ultra Run 2010

fpnyulogobw09Posted on the Ultralist:
Date: Tue, 4 Aug 2009 13:00:58 -0400
From: David Lee
Subject: 2009-2010 Freedom Park New Year’s Ultra Run, Morganton, NC

The Brown Mountain Running Club is hosting the 2nd Annual Freedom Park New Years Ultra Run, a 24 hour closed loop run with 6- and 12-hour options, in Morganton, NC starting at 8:00am on New Year’s Eve and finishing on New Year’s Day.

Last year started off windy and ended up mighty cold but our intrepid runners still managed to turn out some pretty solid performances: our top male and female finishers went on to represent the USA at the World 24-Hour
Championship in Bergamo, Italy in May. Was it the quesadillas, the grilled cheese sandwiches, or the unintentionally slushy drinks that made the difference? We didn’t collect enough data to know for sure but everything seemed to click for our inaugural outing.

If you are looking for a long run over the New Years holiday, please visit our web site and make plans to spend some time with us here in western North Carolina. Here’s a link directly to the Freedom Park New Year’s Ultra Run
web page: If you have any additional questions, please drop me a note off list and I’ll do my best to answer it.

Be safe, train well, and above all, enjoy.

David Lee
Morganton, NC The home of multiday running news and events.

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